Here's our library of resources, which includes loads of useful identification guides and galleries, presentations given on training events we've run, species checklists and atlases, recording forms and other information. We're always adding new resources so keep checking back, and if you find a helpful resource that isn't already listed here, you can suggest it by emailing us at
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Soldier beetles checklist for Herefordshire
This is a provisional checklist for VC36 which includes notes on conservation concern. Thanks to Tim Kaye for compiling.
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Longhorn beetles checklist for Herefordshire
This is a provisional checklist for VC36 which includes notes on conservation concern. Thanks to Tim Kaye for compiling.
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Seed and leaf beetles checklist for Herefordshire
This is a provisional checklist for VC36 which includes notes on conservation concern. Thanks to Tim Kaye for compiling.
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Ground beetles checklist for Herefordshire
This is a provisional checklist for VC36 which includes notes on conservation concern. Thanks to Tim Kaye for compiling.
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Herefordshire County Recorders and taxon experts
Contact details for Herefordshire's current County Recorders, plus taxon experts in some groups the county doesn't currently have County Recorders for.
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Recording apps comparison
A very helpful comparison of all the main recording apps out there, put together by our colleagues at Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL). Includes info on identification and verification processes, data flow and licensing, among other things.
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Hidden Herefordshire Project Evaluation
Published by Resources for Change and funded by the Heritage Lottery, this gives a breakdown of what HBRC and CLaN CIC achieved in just over 2 years.
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Introduction to Bee genera
Liam Olds' presentation from May 2023.
External link
FSC Biolinks Resource Finder
Can't find what you are looking for - try the Field Studies Councils Biolinks Resource Finder. It is a vast compendium - you might get lost in it, beware!
Adobe PDF file (10.77 MB)
Bat Atlas for Herefordshire – 1960-2020
Put together by the Herefordshire Bat Research Group, this is the 2nd edition and is an invaluable resource for any bat enthusiast in the county.
Excel file (88.35 KB)
Diptera checklist for Herefordshire
This is a checklist for VC36 which is ordered by family and includes notes on conservation concern. Many thanks to Ian Draycott for compiling this.
Adobe PDF file (12.75 MB)
Getting Started with Flies
An introduction to recording Diptera in Herefordshire.
Compressed ZIP file (880 KB)
HBRC recording form
Fill this form in with your records and email it back to us!
External link
Amphibians and Reptiles
A list of native amphibian and reptile species in the UK from the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust.
External link
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Identification help from the British Dragonfly Society.
External link
Crickets and Grasshoppers
Species accounts from Grasshoppers and Related Insects Recording Scheme.
External link
A gallery from UK Butterflies, a community of responsible butterfly enthusiasts in Britain & Ireland.
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True Flies
A gallery of families in the dipteran sub-orders Brachycera and Cyclorrhapha from NatureSpot.
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Woodlice, Centipedes and Millipedes
A categorised identification gallery from the British Myriapod and Isopod Group.
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Grid Reference Finder
Wondering how to work out a grid reference - this handy guide tells you how.
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Plant Galls
Dave Taft has kindly allowed his talk on plant galls to be shared here.
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Scorpion flies
Guide to identification of the scorpion flies of Worcestershire (our neighbouring county), written by Mike Averill.
Adobe PDF file (2.79 MB)
HBRC information pack
More information about HBRC, how to make a biological record, and information about local recording groups.
External link
Grassland Waxcap Identification Support Tool
A handy interactive tool for identifying waxcap fungi, created by Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre.
External link
Harvestmen of Britain and Ireland - an interactive guide from the Field Studies Council.
External link
Fly identification help
There are over 7000 fly species in the UK. This is a great place to start!
Adobe PDF file (164.39 KB)
Common Bryophytes of Herefordshire
Overwhelmed by how many mosses and liverworts there are? Start with these few courtesy of bryophyte expert Ian Draycott.
file (NAN )
ID Resource Finder from the FSC
A whole catalogue of resources to peruse - well worth a look.
Adobe PDF file (2.1 MB)
Introduction to Bryophytes
A copy of the talk given by bryophyte expert Ian Draycott.
Word document (20.83 KB)
Mammal Tracks and Signs
A resource file from Sam Devine-Turner with lots of information.
Adobe PDF file (7.94 MB)
Bee Ecology
Liam Olds' presentation on nesting, foraging, parasites and predators.
Excel file (21.21 KB)
Bees checklist for Herefordshire
This is a provisional checklist for VC36 which is ordered by family and includes notes on conservation concern. Thanks to Ian Draycott for compiling this.