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Rare Plant back from the brink

9 September 2021

Rare Plant back from the brink

On cliffs above Bethesda that can only be reached with specialist mountaineering gear, grows one of the most endangered plants in the world.

The exact location is a closely-guarded secret, but even sheep are unable to get to it, meaning they cannot eat the last of the Snowdonia Hawkweed.

Their grazing has wiped the plant out in six of seven areas it once thrived.

But from the verge of extinction, it is thought three plants spotted on a cliff in 2002 may have doubled their number.

For some of the rarest plants, the only places they can sustain themselves is away from grazing and humanity, on the most inaccessible ledges and cliffs

said horticulturist Robbie Backhall-Miles, who is trying to revive them.

To see them, you must go to these places.

Botanists had believed the Snowdonia Hawkweed – or Hierachium Snowdoniense – had died out, with it described as “the Welsh dodo”.

But then it was seen in 2002 for the first time in 50 years.