Hidden Herefordshire

Discovering its wildlife and wild places
In 2021, Herefordshire Biological Records Centre (HBRC) in partnership with Cultivating Learning and Nature CIC (CLaN CIC) received £98,900 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Thanks to National Lottery players, our project ‘Hidden Herefordshire: discovering its wildlife and wild places’ aimed to connect Herefordshire people of all ages and from all backgrounds to recording wildlife wherever they are.
In summary we:
- Ran 65 Natural History courses for beginners and intermediates
- Ran 34 Learning workshops for the general public
- Involved 4319 people in the project
- Had 781 people attend Natural History courses
- Had 650 people attend our closing event ‘Festival of Wildlife’
- Accumulated 54, 646 biological records, a few of which were county firsts
Our final evaluation can be found on the resources page or here.
Our closing event, A Festival of Wildlife, held at Hellens Manor – what a fantastic turnout!
Two-spotted Oak Bupestrid (Agrilus biguttatus) found at Cradley Primary in 2023; associated with oak trees, it has a unique D shaped larval exit hole.
Participants on the Owl pellet dissection course run by Ric Morris. This course was so successful we ran it twice!