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Introduction to Galls

30th April 2022 | 10:00 – 16:00

Introduction to Galls
A table showing the details of the Introduction to Galls event
Venue:Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre
Address:Fir Tree Lane, Rotherwas HR2 6LA
Tutor:David Taft

Contact:Tim Kaye

Learn the basic galls on this introductory course

This will suit everyone who wondered what a gall was but was too embarrassed to ask. General content:
a. What is a gall and how many are there?

b. Why record galls?

1. Unique ‘hosts’ mainly providing homes for unique ‘causers’.

2. Causers often not seen or recorded by other means.

3. Organisms that cause galls.

4. Many causers microscopic.

c. Strangeness of galls!!!!

d. Identification of galls is dependent on basic botanical knowledge to identify the host. Illustrated examples of:-

1. common galls

2. unexpected/strange galls

e. Sources of information and guides; both hard copy and internet.

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