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Data Request

    Contact Details

    Information Request

    Data required
    (please indicate data type and specific information required)

    Records onlyRecords and map

    Designated sites

    Statutory DesignationsLocal Designations (now including Local Geological Sites)

    Herefordshire Phase 1 HabitatsHerefordshire BAP Priority Habitats
    Output Format

    Paper (there may be a charge associated with this)Electronic
    I agree to abide by the terms and conditions stated in Terms and Conditions for the supply of data, and confirm that to my knowledge I have not been responsible for any misuse of data obtained from any other Biological Records Centre. I also confirm that to my knowledge neither I nor any of my colleagues have been investigated for or convicted of any wildlife crime. I confirm that all data requested will be for legitimate and legal purposes. HBRC reserves the right to determine the purpose for any request.

    HBRC Terms and Conditions for the supply of data

    1. Copyright of all records remains with the recorder, and of the collated data with Herefordshire Biological Records Centre.
    2. No copies of data are to be made for use by third parties, without written permission from Herefordshire Biological Records Centre.
    3. Permission must be obtained in writing from Herefordshire Biological Records Centre if the data supplied is to be used for any other purpose than that described on the Data Request Form.
    4. Data are provided subject to ongoing approval for use from individual recorders, local recording groups or national recording schemes. Should such providers of data withdraw permissions for use of these data, the requestor may be obliged to remove relevant data from records.
    5. The data must not be entered onto a computerised database or GIS without permission from Herefordshire Biological Records Centre.
    6. Herefordshire Biological Records Centre shall be acknowledged in any report relating to data supplied, and we would appreciate any details of biological records resulting from any survey undertaken.
    7. Permission to use data expires 12 months after its supply. Applications to extend beyond this period should be made before the expiry date.
    8. Data are as held by Herefordshire Biological Records Centre. Past records of presence of a species or habitat do not guarantee continued occurrence. Absence of records does not imply absence of a species, merely that no records are held.
    9. Data are provided without prejudice and according to our Charging Policy, which is available on request. Commercial users are always subject to our Charging policy. Further to your request we will provide you with a quotation for processing of information and/or biological records; if this quotation is acceptable we will require approval in writing via letter or fax in order to proceed. Voluntary recording societies and local naturalists are generally exempted from this Policy.